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Before pen ever hits paper, we start by analyzing your concept; asking strategic questions that can lead us down a path that fits your brand identity and market strategy. We then assess the results and begin to isolate key tangibles that will ultimately define your product, e.g.; form, function, feasibility, cost, market demand, trends and profitability. Soon after, a report is generated and our team sits down with you to discuss our findings and the best way to move forward.

Next phase is focused on research; where we begin to discover key attributes about your concept and how it can benefit your industry market. We study demographics; design trends, past and present; successful case studies and failed attempts; and materials best suited for the industry. A discovery report is generated and a design meeting scheduled.

Here is where your idea begins to take shape as we mould your design into something visually tangible. A series of concepts are generated through both traditional and digital means and are presented for review. Once a concept is agreed upon, with your input we begin to refine the design until we are successful in capturing your vision.

Next stage is the final step towards production as our product engineering team takes your design and builds it into a fully functional application. Keeping manufacturing at the forefront of development, we're able to assure that what starts out as a great idea remains a great idea without compromise. You’ll now be able to experience first hand: mock-ups, models and production- ready prototypes.

Your design is now ready for production, where we will package your project and deliver it to you to begin manufacturing. You may also choose to take advantage of our close relationship with us Production Division, capable of producing your product in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.


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